Upload & Receive a Free £20 Amazon Voucher.
Upload your energy bill for your business and receive a 100% Free £20 Amazon Gift Card.
Once we receive your energy bill, we’ll run it through our database and partner network to find competitive electricity, water or gas deals for your business.
- Save Up To 60% on Your Electricity
- Cut 1,000s of kg in Carbon Emissions
- Save £1,000s on Energy Bills
- Switch in just 24hrs to a Better Rate
Upload Your Energy Bill.
Receive a free £20 voucher for sending us your bills and save on your business energy spend. (100% free).
- Your data is 100% secure via SSL, and in accordance with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.
Terms and Conditions.
The legal stuff.
We’re giving our customers £20 Amazon vouchers if they send us their energy (electricity, gas, water) bills; there are, of course, some qualifications to this. We’ve highlighted them below:
• To qualify for a free £20 Amazon voucher, you must be an existing and billed BDR customer.
• To qualify for a free £20 Amazon voucher, you must have not sent us any energy-related bill for your business in the last 6 months.
• To qualify for a free £20 Amazon voucher, you must communicate with our energy team, and discuss the comparison tariffs which we have sent you with them via a virtual/physical meeting, or telephone call.
You must meet all of the above criteria to receive the voucher. You do not need to switch your energy supplier to qualify for the voucher. The voucher can be exchanged for credit on your BDR account. The voucher cannot be exchanged for anything else, unless explicitly stated otherwise. BDR Group reserve the right to refuse the issuing of a voucher for exceptional reasons, or if we suspect that you are attempting to scam, cheat or exploit this offer, for example; repeatedly uploading bills, uploading fraudulent bills, or uploading similar bills under a different company name.
Once the voucher is issued, there may be an expiry date on the voucher; you should contact Amazon for further information regarding the expiry date of your voucher.
If you opt to be credited on your account, rather than receiving the voucher, this will be arranged by our billing team, who will contact you regarding the credit.
Only one voucher is available per company, and this offer is valid for BDR business customers only.
By uploading your bill(s), you agree to the processing of your submitted data with our third party energy network and suppliers, who will read your energy bill to compare it to a database to find tariffs, deals and energy agreements. Your data is processed within the GDPR and the Data Protection Act. We will hold your data with the purpose of helping you find a new energy agreement.