The importance of service: 1 millionth ticket

The BDR Group support team hit an important milestone this month, resolving our 1 millionth support ticket! It’s a huge landmark for the team and shows not just how long we’ve been supporting our customers, but also our dedication to doing it.

To celebrate, we’ve asked members of the support team to share their most memorable requests out of the million, from times where we went the extra mile, to some of the stranger tasks we’ve had to complete. Take a look!

Going above and beyond

South-East Operations Director Ashley Webb shared one story where his team truly went above and beyond. At BDR we generally support businesses in the UK. However, we’ve also worked with other teams from around the world, and our expertise isn’t limited to UK technologies. 

There’s no better example of this than the story Ashely shared, where his team was mobilised to a retail customer in Germany to solve a country-wide issue with a point-of-sale service. Solving this challenge involved travelling to 15 different stores in Germany, and upgrading their point-of-sale systems. Not many support tickets involve a European tour, but we think this story from Ashley is definitely an example of the BDR team going above and beyond!

Head of IT at BDR Owen Whitlock also shared some of the great customer feedback that he and his team have received over the years. These demonstrate just how eager the support team are to go the extra mile:

“Fantastic team! Chris was so helpful! Thank you so much!” – NHS Trust

“The problem was solved before we even knew about it.” – Showground

“We were kept updated on the fault throughout the outage and had a follow up call to make sure all was well the next day … excellent customer service.” – Hotel

“Kyle was so helpful and got the job done. Very impressed.” – Manufacturing Business

Strange encounters

One of the main strengths of our support team is just how diverse their range of knowledge is. With specialists on everything from communications and IT to disaster recovery and security, we can handle just about any query our customers send our way. That doesn’t mean that the team isn’t occasionally surprised by some of the tickets that we receive, though …

Ashely shared a couple of eyebrow-raising stories from his time working at BDR’s South-East office.

One request involved visiting a company who were dealing with an issue with their technology, but also a swarm of bees that had moved into the office! Ashely’s team had to safely arrange for a beekeeper to remove the nest, as well as rearranging the office to keep the customer’s team at a safe distance! It’s all in a day’s work for a B2Bee support team.

Another customer also had an animal related issue. They called on BDR to remove a flock of pigeons from their office roof! Ashely and his team sprang into action. They helped to make the office less pigeon-friendly, leading to a very happy customer.

Brilliant feedback

Without sounding like a broken record, we’re incredibly grateful for everything that our support team do here at BDR. Their knowledge, experience and can-do attitude has helped us become the business we are today. It’s always great to see when customers recognise this as well and over the years our support team have received some brilliant feedback.

Head of Incident Management Team, Tom Corsi, naturally has seen a fair few support tickets in his time. To celebrate BDR reaching the big one million, he shared some of the great feedback that his team has received.

“Friendly manner and expert knowledge displayed on support case.” – Security provider

“Excellent very helpful unable to continue with my workload, we telephoned our previous IT provider, and they were unable to help, but these people came to my rescue. It’s a BIG THANKYOU from me” – MCH User

“Tom was very pleasant – he listened to issues, identified ways to fix, explained everything too as he remotely accessed the PC and repaired issue – thank you Tom” – MCH User

We hope that these stories and quotes provide a look into just how important service and support is for a business like ours at BDR. The teams that handle these requests can sometimes be unsung heroes, so upon reaching this fantastic milestone, we hope we can better celebrate their contribution.



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