Broadband Update.

To protect you from major disruption, we’re re-grading your broadband.

As part of this upgrade, a new Advanced Router Replacement Plan is available, which we’ll automatically apply to your account. The new Advanced Router Replacement Plan includes a 4G back-up SIM1,  replacement & router maintenance.

Advanced Router Replacement Plan.

As part of this upgrade, a new router replacement plan is available, which we’ll automatically apply to your account. The new Advanced Router Replacement Plan is only £9.99 per month. Unlock new access to:

Everything explained in 2-minutes.

Delivering Excellence since 1991.

Our organisation, BDR Group, has been operating across the UK since 1991 – that’s over 32 years. 

Mostly, we’re a successful comms company, but as you can see, we rock with business energy savings too. 🤟

We pick up in just 8 seconds.

Yes it’s true! Our technical support teams pick up the phone in just 8 seconds, on average!

That’s you speaking to a real person, getting your issue resolved, or your question answered. Talk about excellent customer service! 🏃‍♂️ 

Trusted by 1,000s worldwide.

We have over 4,000 clients spread across the globe. Some of our customers are organisations such as Boeing, the NHS and even Primark. 

Big or small, we’re here to help your business save money and achieve its goals. 🤝

When we regrade your broadband, it will cease your analogue line; you will also lose services attached to your line. This change is happening no matter what, so if you do have services on the line, you must make us aware immediately.

If you do not let us know, we will still have to re-grade and you will lose the services attached.

Don’t worry though – most services can be moved to a cloud or Wi-Fi enabled system easily & quickly.

If you need to switch over to a Wi-Fi or cloud version of your service, please contact your account manager ASAP.

Your broadband costs will remain the same. Your broadband speeds may change depending on your location. If you are currently using ADSL, then you should see a considerable increase.

Your questions, answered.

We’re doing this because we’re preparing all of our customers for the PSTN Switch Off, in 2025. We have over 4,000 customers, and it is our duty to make sure they are ready for the biggest change in recent telecoms history.

Regrading will guarantee that you’re future-proofed, and secure during this change.

The earlier, the better, and the less disruption to your business.

If you have any questions, please email ‘’, or reply to the email you should have received. Our team are on-hand to answer any questions you may have.


Alternatively, you can call our UK-based IT support team on 0800 975 3000.

14G SIM card only available on Advanced Router Replacement Plan at £9.99 per month. Back-up service is manually activated by contacting BDR Group support when an outage is experienced. Usage is without extra charge until 50GB; any data usage above 50GB, a rate charge of £44.95 per GB of data will be applied to your bill. 2Assured connection is subject to location, signal, power to your router, 4G availability, and other factors. BDR make no guarantee of internet connection in the event of an outage. The back-up 4G internet connection must be manually activated by contacting BDR support. If you decide to keep your existing router, you may not be eligible for the 4G back-up service. For more information, please contact us.

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