Ethernet Flex: The business broadband you’ve been waiting for

Given the great upheaval that the global pandemic has brought, the need for businesses to adopt new digital services and enable remote working is putting more pressure on already strained internet connections.

With an uncertain future ahead, and some form of hybrid working expected for the medium-term at least, businesses need reliable broadband speed and service that provides long-term flexibility for future growth.

Full-fibre connectivity is the saving grace for growing businesses looking to adapt to the challenges of the post-lockdown economy. But FTTP services are only available in a limited number of locations nationwide. So, what are businesses to do?

Thankfully, BDR’s partnership with CityFibre enables businesses to set the strongest foundations possible by leveraging their newest technology, Ethernet Flex.

What is Ethernet Flex?

An evolved form of Full-fibre, Ethernet Flex is a type of internet access that ensures businesses have the ability to meet the needs of an increasingly digital economy. The underlying technology is future-proof, faster than traditional copper services, with lower latency and better security protections too.

These three benefits are essential for modern businesses. More day-to-day tasks require an internet connection and video calling needs low latency connections to ensure a smooth experience. And with all this focus on online operations, organisations need to keep their data safer than ever before.

What sets Ethernet Flex apart from the rest is its ability to increase bandwidths automatically, with no input required from the business. Users enjoy a guaranteed 200Mbps connection both up- and down-stream and 24/7.

When the need arises and demand outstrips that bandwidth, the connection will automatically increase its speed up to 1Gbps. No portal required, no call to tech support to raise a ticket. Ethernet Flex knows when your usage hits 200Mbps and increases your bandwidth without any additional costs or penalties.

Are you driving applications in the cloud, sharing data internally across your organisation or enabling IP-based communication services? With Ethernet Flex you can have confidence in your fast ethernet connection, providing you with the bandwidth you need, when you need it, and you don’t even have to lift a finger to enjoy that boost.

Benefits of Ethernet Flex

  • Guaranteed 200Mbps both up and down
  • 1Gbps burst at no extra cost
  • On-demand bandwidth with no need for portal requests
  • Comprehensive 100% SLA with 5 business hour return to service guarantee
    24/7 UK support Unlimited usage

How does it enable digital transformation?

Customer behaviour is changing, and e-commerce is becoming increasingly important for businesses to reach their customers and maintain revenue. That means reliable, high-speed connections are required to enable payments. What’s more, businesses need to remain agile and able to invest resources and pivot when required.

Data usage is growing every day, in fact it’s doubling each year!
That growth will continue for years to come, especially given the PSTN Switch Off in 2025.

In December 2025, BT and Openreach will deactivate the calling infrastructure we all know better as ‘landlines’. The network is over 40 years old, is incredibly expensive to maintain, and was never designed to carry the vast amounts of call data that it currently does.

One of the other great benefits of Ethernet Flex is just how cost-effective it is. For a similar cost as your average spend on a gas and electricity bill, or a single salesperson’s company car each month, you can solidify the foundations of your entire operation for years to come.

Saving money on connectivity frees up capital to spend on reimagining the office space for post-lockdown or adopting new cloud-services. In turn, enabling more productive staff and better insights for leadership, as well as customer facing services such as chat-bots and VoIP calling.

Why Choose BDR?

Mission Statement: To tirelessly pursue excellence to the benefit of our customers, staff and suppliers.

That mission statement is more than just a slick line. It’s our commitment in everything we do and the reason why we’ve become a leading service provider for businesses up and down the country.

Our 200+ team of engineers, technicians and support staff will ensure that every aspect of your solution is catered for. From recommending the right solution for your needs to a hassle-free deployment, training to helpful and friendly ongoing support.

We’re here to make your business reach its full potential.

Speak one of the BDR team to find out more or book some time in the diary when it’s convenient for you using this link:

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