2021 Energy price increases

Due to the pandemic, energy prices crashed in 2020, but now electricity wholesale prices have doubled, and gas prices are over 141% higher than this time last year.

There are many factors which make up your final energy rates, but what are the main ones pushing prices above pre-pandemic levels in 2021?

1. Supply and Demand

Demand dropped in 2020 due to global lockdowns, but production of oil continued at its usual rate. This resulted in high storage levels that were not needed and pushed the price of oil to 18-year lows in March 2020. Historic cuts were then made in April 2020 to keep prices steady. Once the global demand has fully recovered, we expect the market to rise rapidly as supply and demand pressures bite for the first time in 18 months.

2. Third Party Charges 

These are charges out of energy suppliersā€™ control and make up the cost of delivering and maintaining energy networks. Due to the unforeseen demand destruction, some charges have increased to make up for the losses occurred or the extra costs needed to run and maintain the network, e.g., increase of costs distributing energy during the day to individuals who have been working from home, rather than to offices which might be closer to the source of generation and cheaper to transport to.

3. Supplier Costs 

Last year saw an increase in the number of unpaid energy bills, which in turn negatively affected suppliersā€™ finances and cash flows. Along with this, the wholesale price of energy has increased, so suppliers have increased their rates for both business and domestic users to help ease the pressure and mitigate the risks of forward buying energy for their customers who might not use it if there is another full lockdown etc.


It is always advisable to compare rates to see what your next energy contract will look like if you switch before prices rise further. It also provides you with some budget certainty helping your business to plan for the next few years.


The easiest way is to send us a bill! By sending us a recent energy bill, we will use our Smart Technology to search the market on your behalf to find a tariff that best suits your business. 

Our energy experts will take care of everything, from supplier negotiations to managing your energy contracts.

Use the email form below to send us a bill, or call us on 0800 975 3000 for more information. 




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