18 Site Wi-Fi Deployment

Please see below a short case study video on the installation we carried out of x140 Ubiqiti Access Points across x18 sites in less than 4 weeks. BDR also in this time arranged for the provision of all lines and connectivity to ensure a service was met for the client and that there was no solution downtime.

The first BDR had sight about the St Basils WIFI for young people was 72 hours before the order was placed, this meant we worked around the clock to meet the client’s expectations and knew the works must be carried out with PRINCE II approved project management to ensure stages of the installation where implemented correctly and equipment, engineering, hardware to each site was met on time scales that would not delay the completion date just 4 weeks away.

St Basil’s Wi-Fi service for young people was coming to the end of its contract, St Basil’s approached BDR to tender for its replacement. Upon winning the contract BDR implemented 140+ access points, along with switches, routers and network connections across x18 sites in the St Basils estate. We were met with positive feedback, almost immediately to the engineers on site, with the service offering faster speeds and supported on more devices. This project has strengthened the already strong relationship that BDR and St Basils have, we’re looking forward to continuing our partnership with them long into the future as a trusted supplier.

BDR engineers carried out all the work to our high-level of operation standards, the WIFI is has multiple parties using it for all varieties of internet usage, from gaming, streaming and general use. BDR had to ensure a high bandwidth was available and speeds in place to ensure St Basils did not have complaints and further work created for them.

BDR have a 24/7/365 UK based helpdesk available for our clients to ensure service standards are always met.



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